miércoles, 30 de agosto de 2023

Sobre las elecciones: representante Jerry Nadler (demócrata por Nueva York) en 2004

Sobre las elecciones: representante Jerry Nadler (demócrata por Nueva York) en 2004

Kanekoa ElGrande
@Kanekoa TheGreat

El representante Jerry Nadler (demócrata por Nueva York) en 2004: "Si alguien estuviera pirateando deliberadamente estas máquinas, se podrían robar millones de votos y nadie lo sabría...

Hemos documentado una máquina en este condado que registró 11.000 votos adicionales para Bush. En ese condado se estaban contando los votos de Kerry para Bush...

Estas máquinas son pirateables.

Un empleado deshonesto del proveedor, o un empleado deshonesto de una junta electoral local, o simplemente alguien que sepa de electrónica y tenga una computadora en casa, podría piratear estas máquinas y dar instrucciones secretas para ignorar cada vigésimo voto demócrata.

O agregue un 10% al voto de Kerry o Bush o lo que sea, y puede que ni siquiera lo sepa...

Hubo un condado donde en alguna carrera local o algún referéndum, perdieron 4500 votos, la máquina falló y 4500 personas no tuvieron los votos contados...

Tenemos todos estos profesores y expertos en informática que nos dicen que los algoritmos de cifrado no son suficientes.

Que las protecciones no son suficientes.

Son datos de propiedad exclusiva, por lo que se mantienen en secreto, por lo que realmente no lo sabemos".


Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-NY) in 2004: "If someone were deliberately hacking these machines, you could steal millions of votes, and no one would know it...

We've documented a machine in this county that recorded 11,000 extra votes for Bush. In that county, there was counting Kerry votes for Bush...

These machines are hackable.

A dishonest employee of the vendor, or a dishonest employee of a local board of elections, or simply someone who knows electronics, and has a computer at home, could hack into these machines and put in secret instructions to disregard every 20th Democratic vote.

Or add 10% to the Kerry or Bush vote or whatever, and you might not even know it...

There was one county where on some local race or some referendum, they lost 4500 votes, the machine hiccuped, and 4500 people didn't have the votes counted...

We have all these professors and these computer experts telling us that the encryption algorithms aren't sufficient.

That the protections aren't sufficient.

They are proprietary data, so they're kept secret, so we don't really know."

domingo, 27 de agosto de 2023

Political debate between a Democrat and a Republican.

Political debate between a Democrat and a Republican.

Florida, United States, August 23, 2023.

Topic I – The 2020 elections.

Moderator: Today we have a debate between a supporter of the current Democrats in the United States and a follower of the Republicans, who rather defines himself as conservative and closer to the Republican interests defined by Donald Trump.

Today, we will address as many topics as we can, regardless of the weather since the current politics of the United States requires a very deep analysis. I want to start with the 2020 elections and my first question is for our Democratic participant:


Moderator: Do you believe that the 2020 elections were fair and transparent?


Democratic Guest: Sure. Even all the fraud claims made by Donald Trump and his team were declared by the Courts without any concerns. Vote recounts were conducted in all States that were in dispute and certified in each of those States. There was no indication of massive fraud that could change the outcome of the election.


Moderator: The same question for our Republican guest. Do you believe that the 2020 elections were fair and transparent?


Republican Guest: Of course not. But I want to start by referring to the statement that there was no indication of massive fraud in the 2020 elections. I would like the other guest to tell me if he knows why the vote count was suspended at 11 p.m. in the key states, when Donald Trum had a great advantage and when the count resumed at 6 in the morning, he was already losing by a large number of votes.


Moderator: Democratic guest, do you know what was the reason why the counting of the ballots in the electoral process stopped at the same time in those different states?


Democratic Guest: No, I don't know, but there will be reasons, but that cannot be considered an action to commit fraud, nobody has been able to prove it. All of those are Republican speculation.


Moderator: Go ahead, Republican guest.


Republican Guest: The guest states that the votes were recounted, of course they were, by the same people who had previously counted them. The fraud was not in the physical ballots since the ballots were there with their corresponding marks.


The problem is the number of ballots, how is it explained that if the electoral registry grew by 327,586 new voters, the number of real voters increased by 21,156,062 million.


Can the Guest tell me that the country had planned 26,058,300 million ballots more than those used in the 2008 elections, which has been one of the highest voting rates in the United States.


And all under a series of restrictions due to the covid 19 pandemic, high numbers of deceased and hospitalized people.


Serious incidents were also reported, which the almost pro-government complacent press was quick to classify as fake news, despite all its documentation.


A highly publicized case was what happened at the Farm Arena in Fulton County, Atlanta, where security cameras captured poll workers illegally counting votes. There, the room where the votes are counted was mandatorily cleared by a supervisor at 10:30 p.m., then four poll workers disobeyed the supervisor's order.


Those same four people remain at the tables until they start pulling what look like boxes and suitcases full of ballots under a table. Next, the group is left counting votes without the presence of observers and with the stadium cleared, they pass the same ballots up to three times, as can be seen in the video.


At that same time, the Republican observers and the rest of the poll workers had been expelled from the stadium, because supposedly the counting of votes was going to stop immediately.


The reason given by the local authorities is that "a water pipe had broken." But Sidney Powell, another of the lawyers in charge of the electoral fraud lawsuits, has not found evidence of the fault and clarified: "They have not provided me with invoices or any evidence that shows that a leak occurred on the night of Fulton County of water.


Moderator: I think our Republican guest has gone on quite long. Is it over yet?


Republican Guest: There is much more evidence in states like Arizona, Pennsylvania, and Michigan, among others, but we move on:


Moderator: Democratic Guest there is a perception that there were many irregularities in the elections. Do you think that they acted with the necessary transparency, being the United States the reflection of the most solid democracy in the world?


Democratic Guest: Of course, all the established procedures were followed, the votes were counted and Trump and his lawyers made countless demands that were all rejected by the Courts. Well, for their attempt to steal the election they are all being charged with serious criminal charges that should land them in jail.

Now that perception that you speak of is due to the disinformation campaign that some media, mainly Hispanic, carried out. In Miami, a radio program in Spanish, Cada Tarde with Carinés Moncada and Agustín Acosta, broadcast on the night of November 3, comments already denied, about some Republican poll watchers who had been prevented from fulfilling their function of observing the voting in some places in Pennsylvania.


Also, in Arizona there was a rumor that went viral, which was shared by one of Trump's sons, Eric, and that other prominent Republicans, including some who called it “Sharpiegate,” alleges that poll workers provided Sharpie-type marker pens. Trump voters to mark their ballots and that this would void those ballots, since it did not allow voting machines to read them.


Regarding what the guest alleges happened in Fulton County, it was all part of the Campaign to disavow the results of the Georgia elections, that is why this entire group of conspirators are being accused of being a criminal organization and will be tried under the Statute of Law known as RICO.


Moderator: Republican Guest, despite all the evidence you point to, why do you think the election results could not be challenged or reversed?


Republican Guest: I'll move on to your question right away, but first I want to clarify a few things about what the Guest is saying. In Pennsylvania, Republican observers had to appeal to the Court because they had been prohibited from entering the polling place. The Court ruled in its favor and when they got to the polling places, they were let in, but they had to stay 50 feet from where the voting process was taking place. So, from that distance they couldn't observe the integrity of the process.


As for Arizona, it is not true that Trump supporters were given Sharpie-type marker pens, that was required for all Maricopa County voters, no other means of marking was allowed, and should be for a reason, because Pinal County used Official Voting Pens, according to their own authorities.


Now, people who voted in Maricopa County point out that it is true, that they were not allowed to use their own pens, that they put the ballot in, and when it didn't go through, they had to punch in a green button, then the ballot went into a box. of supervision and there a supervisor was the one who determined the vote, it was not possible to verify who would benefit from his decision.


Now, regarding your question, it is true that despite the evidence, nothing could be done. The institutions that must ensure electoral integrity were previously colluded, since 2016 the first massive fraud was carried out.


The statistics do not lie, in 2016 the Electoral Roll was reduced compared to 2012 by (3,691,378) while the number of voters increased by 7,968,506 million, but this happened in several states with a Democratic tendency, which did not give the expected result, since Hilary Clinton won the popular vote by 2,868,685 million but did not win the Electoral Colleges.


So, for 2020 the strategy has been changed. The key states were chosen to win the different necessary Electoral Colleges and all the machinery was focused there to guarantee fraud. One thing that allows it is that the poll workers are not appointed by the parties but are city workers.


Therefore, according to Affirmative Action, the vast majority belong to the minorities most inclined to the Democratic Party and are easier to manipulate and in fact they did.


All these reasons, plus Trump's personality against the established power, made him a victim of his own purpose, even if it was for the good of the nation and he is still paying the consequences, and they could be worse.


Moderator: Enough has been said about the 2020 elections, now I want to ask you what are the expectations for the 2024 elections and what do you think of the possible candidates?


Democratic Guest: Thank you for the opportunity. Of course, the elections are still a long way off, and although it is said that Donald Trump can legally be president, even while in prison, that does not make sense. Any other Republican candidate could do better, let's hope that in the end it will be so.


Now, Joe Biden has done a great job in the presidency: he has lowered unemployment to historical records, he has created millions of new jobs, he has reduced inflation to a minimum, he has developed an inclusive and humanitarian immigration policy.


In foreign policy, the war in Afghanistan ended, it has resolutely supported Ukraine against the Russian invasion and in Latin America it has maintained a good rapprochement with the governments of Lula in Brazil, Colombia and a better relationship of understanding with Venezuela, with which it is negotiating the suspension of the sanctions that affect the Venezuelan people so much in exchange for complying with the electoral process and with respect to Cuba, it has been possible to accept the deportation of Cubans who are not admissible in the United States and trade with the Cuban private sector has increased .


So, with a very strong economic policy with the Biden economic plan and a whole great campaign of good information from the media, counteracting the false news about his involvement in his son's business abroad and his addiction problems, there will be no problems for his re-election.


Republican Guest: The problem of clean and transparent elections is still not very clear, but here the problem is Donald Trump as a candidate, which is why politics in the style of Venezuela, Nicaragua and other countries have been prosecuted.


However, although the media tries to hide it, the siege is closing more and more against Hunter Biden and his father in an international corruption plot. So most likely, Joe Biden will not run as the Democratic candidate. We'll see how they start to blame everything to promote the new candidacy.


Joe Biden was necessary to face the candidacy of Donald Trump, due to his record of obtaining more than 74 million votes in 2020, but due to his limitations and evidence of corruption, he will have to be replaced and that is why all resources must be exhausted to remove Trump from the race.


Any other Republican candidate could run against a Democrat candidate since it would not be necessary to raise the voting ceiling and digital manipulation would be easier.

At this point I want to make a call to all the Republicans in good faith, that it is necessary to avoid a repetition of the so-called irregularities of the past elections.


Moderator: The perspective of the different candidates and the elections in terms of their political projection have been discussed, but I would like to address the legal situation of both candidates, although in the case of Joe Baiden there is no concrete action against him.


Democratic Guest: Yes, the Republicans and the extreme right in the House of Representatives are pushing through certain committees to link Joe Biden to his son Hunter's foreign businesses.


However, Attorney General Merrick Garland has appointed a Special Prosecutor, David Weiss, to carry out the investigations and calm the Republican Trump base that is wanting to disqualify the prestige of North American institutions, they want to attack the integrity of President Biden to wash the image of the criminal behavior of Donald Trump.


Maybe Joe Biden during the campaign may face some health problems, but Trump and his criminal gang will go to jail. It must be remembered that Trump had taken documents from the White House with nuclear secrets and military agreements with other countries.


To this, we must add his incitement to the attack on the Capitol on January 6, 2021, where deaths occurred due to his irresponsibility. It should be noted that Donald Trump already has four accusations in four different states with 91 charges.


In this way, he will not be able to escape justice and, as the Moderator rightly says, our president Joe Biden could not be accused of anything specific.


Republican Guest: Here are several things to clarify, the double standards of the US Department of Justice and the intelligence agencies, the political activism of the media in favor of the international left, the big interests in favor of globalism and the new world order and the danger that Donald Trump represents for all these purposes.


The Justice Department was the one who accepted and authorized the investigation of a Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller in the Russian plot, which cost more than 30 million dollars to US taxpayers, with a false file, which was later found to have been prepared by the Hilary Clinton campaign, and none of those involved have been charged.


In the case of the Mar-a-Lago papers, Donald Trump has been charged for allegedly failing to return them to the National Archives. However, Bill Clinton also refused to return some recordings and won the lawsuit, without being charged with obstruction of Justice.


The Guest discusses the content of the Mar-a-Lago documents. If they are National Security documents, who leaked their content? Likewise, the Guest can answer why Joe Biden and Mike Pence had secret documents, if they did not have the authority to handle those secret documents outside the White House.


It is not yet known what implication these documents had, nor has progress been made in a transparent investigation. It gives the impression that nothing is being investigated.


This is what happened with Hilary Clinton's computer and emails, and nothing happened either, despite all the evidence that we have of how they destroyed servers and phones and disobeyed a mandate from Congress to preserve all evidence.


The implications for the Department of Justice are a long list, but to clarify something that is always repeated. It is not that the Demands for electoral fraud had no support, but rather that the evidence was never investigated, so the veracity of the facts was never known.


Attorney General William Barr assures that there was no evidence of decisive fraud, but he never agreed to carry out the relevant investigations, as is the case of the poll worker who was caught in Georgia passing the same ballots up to three times after the alleged flood, rather than being decorated by Joe Biden.


Also, in Maricopa County in Arizona an audit was carried out, but when it came to the point of auditing the voting machines a motion was accepted to prevent it, alleging that it violated the trade secret of domain machines.


The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) was the one who hid Hunter Biden's computer and created a whole disinformation campaign, alleging that it was all part of a Russian plot.


One of the accusations against Donald Trump throughout his tenure was that he did not respect and abide by the credibility of intelligence agencies.


However, 50 senior officials from 17 Intelligence Agencies signed a letter denying the existence of Hunter Biden's computer. The FBI also concealed a file investigating foreign government payments to Joe Biden, using the FD-1023 form that describes a criminal scheme involving Biden in connection with the exchange of money for political decisions.


Everything raised above was hidden during the 2020 electoral process. However, Donald Trump was impeached for a call to the president of Ukraine due to evidence of corruption of the Biden family in that country.


Today it is known that the corruption was true, when even Joe Biden himself in a video acknowledges and boasts about how he managed to fire the Prosecutor of the case that was investigating the Ukrainian Gas Company Burisma Holdings where his son Hunter worked between 2014 and 2019.


Now, part of the problem is the complicit work of the media, which hides or paints a very simplistic narrative about the facts related to the power caste, including the Democratic Party, while carrying out an entire campaign of negative publicity and demonization. about conservatives, mainly about Donald Trump.


Social networks have also played a very important role, censoring and taking advantage of the resources of technology to silence opinion and conservative voices. While they hide the facts with a criminal background of the power caste and at most, they publish the facts under a subtle narrative that borders on naivety.


North American opinion currently has no information from the complacent, almost official press about the implications of Joe Biden and his son Hunter in receiving tens of millions of ill-gotten dollars from Russia, Romania, Ukraine, China, and Kazakhstan.


The press is also not reporting what the House of Representatives is drawing from the investigations that incriminate the Biden family daily.


The conspiracy against Trump is part of the globalist agenda of magnate George Soros and his allies, for which they have financed and placed prosecutors and judges in key positions to carry out their project. Many of them arrived under financing conditions due to the judicial persecution against Donald Trump.


Moderator: Although a series of facts and events have been discussed in general, I would like to hear the opinion of each of you on what happened in the Capitol on January 6, 2021.


Democratic Guest: The assault on Congress by Trump supporters responds to Donald Trump's desperation to prevent Joe Biden from being awarded the presidency. Trump's incendiary call was precisely to cause chaos and have the election certification process suspended.


The case was very well documented by a Committee of the House of Representatives and now in the indictment carried out by Special Prosecutor Jack Smith it has been possible to establish the criminal case against Donald Trump.


Although Donald Trump now wants to distance himself from the events, it was precisely him who called for that giant demonstration to destabilize democracy in our country. It was not just an attack on the Capitol, but an attack on the democracy of the United States.


Republican Guest: The question I ask the Guest and the American people in general: Who benefited from the assault on the United States Congress on January 6, 2021?


In any criminal investigation, the first thing that is considered is the motive for the crime. And that motive is backed by the interests of those who benefit from that fact. So, from there arises the question, who benefited from the assault on Congress, where the 2020 presidential elections should be certified or not.


You must put the facts in context to reach a better conclusion. Something that is being overlooked now and the media are giving the narrative that the power caste is interested in or convenient for. It must be clarified that the power caste in the United States is made up of people from the different political parties, plus the leadership of all the important institutions, both intelligence and judicial, among others.


We must remember that the purpose of Donald Trump's team, protected by the Constitution, was for Vice President Mike Pence, before counting the votes of the Electoral Colleges in dispute, to return the votes to those states for a new reconsideration, within a period that was provided by law, before January 20.


The process was carried out as normal, and when Senator Ted Cruz begins to read the motion for which those states should not be certified at that moment, by great chance that mob arrives at the debate room itself led by the police officers of the Capitol.


The session was postponed, after a long period, the Certification process was restored. The logical thing would have been to have continued where the process left off, with the intervention of Senator Ted Cruz, but the debate was abruptly terminated and the Certification by Vice President Mike Pence was automatically put to a vote, leaving the 2020 presidential elections Certified.


Another interesting question: Why was all the evidence used by the House Committee investigating the impeachment case against Donald Trump removed?


There were videos of everything that happened in the Capitol. Even when a police officer shoots a female US Army veteran in the forehead. However, that policeman was decorated by Joe Biden.


There it is clearly seen that the Capitol police were prepared to allow access to the very hall of Congress. There it is clearly seen that the Capitol police were prepared to allow access to the very hall of Congress. The Capitol police have all the capacity to prevent, for the safety of the congressmen themselves and the vice president, the massive entry to their facilities.


The police could use firearms as a deterrent, but that same police were leading the protesters through the halls of the Capitol.


A crowd does not act without leadership to guide it, not even in herds of animals. There were infiltrated people there with training to lead the demonstration to the point they had planned. That could only be determined by a serious investigation, but the investigation is in the hands of the same people who planned the events.


Moderator: By way of conclusion, what is your final comment?


Democratic Guest: All this process must end with the imposition of justice, putting all those who follow our line of thought, which is correct and protects and benefits all citizens, in prison. Really for the good of our people and the world, we don't need the Republicans and we are going to fight so that they never come to power again.


In this context, I am sure that our entire legal system is going to do everything possible to dismantle this disinformation campaign against our president Joe Biden, linking him to the businesses of his son abroad.


The United States must show the world that no one here is above the law and if Donald Trump and his criminal organization break it or any other citizen who follows his example, they will receive the full weight of the law.


What cannot happen is that our justice system allows itself to be intimidated by the pressure of supporters of Donald Trump and does not apply justice with the severity that the case requires. Declaring Donald Trump innocent would make the American justice system ridiculous, and we would become the laughing stock of the world.


Republican Guest: From my way of seeing things and the development of all events, I think that it was not a good idea for the Democrats and the entire caste of power to prevent the presidency of Donald Trump in the period 20-24. As is popularly said, I think it backfired.


If Donald Trum had fulfilled his term properly, everything would have stopped there. The persecution against Donald Trump has brought up all the corruption of the power caste in the United States.


If Donald Trump had been in the presidency, he would not have persecuted anyone, as he did not with Hilary Clinton and the Hunter Biden computer, and the Biden family corruption plot would never have been known.


By now many must be considering that electoral fraud was a mistake, but it is too late. Now Trump as a defendant and all other co-defendants have the statutory right to disclosure and have the right to present all evidence of voter fraud. So, what was a closed case is once again an open case. Even a request for impeachment against Joe Biden opens the door to the search for all evidence of bribery by foreign powers.


Many heads will roll here. That is the fear that Donald Trump could reach the presidency again, because now he is going to clean up the swamp, although other things must happen for that.


And it is the other point that I want to highlight, the opportunity that the American people must take advantage of the figure of Donald Trump and redefine the conservative political line of the United States. We have to get out of Democrats and Republicans, we have to create a new political class that is not compromised with historical corruption and the centers of power. We must create a positive agenda in the face of the destructive agent that wants us to impose.


Moderator: Thank you for your participation, we would like to continue addressing many other issues, but time is relentless. I look forward to a future exchange of ideas, which our followers will be able to evaluate and agree with, that popular wisdom is never lacking.


From: Diosmel Rodriguez <rdiosmel@gmail.com>
Sent: Saturday, August 26, 2023 10:27 PM
To: Jadir Hernandez <jadir911@hotmail.com>
Subject: DEbate

Political debate between a Democrat and a Republican.
Done in Florida, United States on August 23, 2023.

Topic I – The 2020 elections.

Moderator: Today we have a debate between a supporter of the current Democrats in the United States and a supporter of the Republicans. Who rather defines himself as conservative and closer to the Republican interests defined by Donald Trump.

Today we will address as many topics as we can, regardless of the weather, since the current politics of the United States requires a very deep analysis. I want to start with the 2020 elections and my first question is for our Democratic participant:

Moderator: Do you believe that the 2020 elections were fair and transparent?

Democratic Guest: Sure. Even all the fraud claims made by Donald Trump and his team were declared by the Courts without foundation. Vote recounts were conducted in all States that were in dispute and certified in each of those States. There was no indication of massive fraud that could change the outcome of the election.

Moderator: The same question for our Republican guest. Do you believe that the 2020 elections were fair and transparent?

Republican Guest: Of course not. But I want to start by referring to the statement that there was no indication of massive fraud in the 2020 elections. I would like the Guest to tell me if he knows why the vote count was suspended at 11 p.m. in the key states , when Donald Trum had a great advantage and when the count resumed at 6 in the morning, he was already losing by a large number of votes.

Moderator: Democratic guest, do you know what was the reason why the counting of the ballots in the electoral process stopped at the same time in those different states?

Democratic Guest: No, I don't know, but there will be reasons, but that cannot be considered an action to commit fraud, nobody has been able to prove it. All of those are Republican speculation.

Moderator: Go ahead, Republican guest.

Republican Guest: The guest states that the votes were recounted, of course they were, by the same people who had previously counted them. The fraud was not in the physical ballots, since the ballots were there with their corresponding marks.

The problem is the number of ballots, how is it explained that if the electoral registry grew by 327,586 new voters, the number of real voters increased by 21,156,062 million.

Can the Guest tell me that the country had planned 26,058,300 million ballots more than those used in the 2008 elections, which has been one of the highest voting rates in the United States.

And all under a series of restrictions due to the covid 19 pandemic, high numbers of deceased and hospitalized people.

Serious incidents were also reported, which the almost pro-government complacent press was quick to classify as fake news, despite all its documentation.

A highly publicized case was what happened at the Farm Arena in Fulton County, Atlanta, where security cameras captured poll workers illegally counting votes. There, the room where the votes are counted was mandatorily cleared by a supervisor at 10:30 p.m., then four poll workers disobeyed the supervisor's order.

Those same four people remain at the tables until they start pulling what looks like boxes and suitcases full of ballots under a table. Next, the group is left counting votes without the presence of observers and with the stadium cleared, they pass the same ballots up to three times, as can be seen in the video.

At that same time, the Republican observers and the rest of the poll workers had been expelled from the stadium, because supposedly the counting of votes was going to stop immediately.

The reason given by the local authorities is that "a water pipe had broken." But Sidney Powell, another of the lawyers in charge of the electoral fraud lawsuits, has not found evidence of the fault and clarified: "They have not provided me with invoices or any evidence that shows that a leak occurred on the night of Fulton County of water.

Moderator: I think our Republican guest has gone on quite long. Is it over yet?

Republican Guest: There is much more evidence in states like Arizona, Pennsylvania, and Michigan, among others, but we move on:

Moderator: Democratic Guest there is a perception that there were many irregularities in the elections. Do you think that they acted with the necessary transparency, being the United States the reflection of the most solid democracy in the world?

Democratic Guest: Of course all the established procedures were followed, the votes were counted and Trump and his lawyers made countless demands that were all rejected by the Courts. Well, for their attempt to steal the election they are all being charged with serious criminal charges that should land them in jail.

Now that perception that you speak of is due to the disinformation campaign that some media, mainly Hispanic, carried out. In Miami, a radio program in Spanish, Cada Tarde with Carinés Moncada and Agustín Acosta, broadcast on the night of November 3, comments already denied, about some Republican poll watchers who had been prevented from fulfilling their function of observing the voting in some places in Pennsylvania.

Also in Arizona there was a rumor that went viral, which was shared by one of Trump's sons, Eric, and that other prominent Republicans, including some who called it “Sharpiegate,” alleges that poll workers provided Sharpie-type marker pens. Trump voters to mark their ballots and that this would void those ballots, since it did not allow voting machines to read them.

Regarding what the guest alleges happened in Fulton County, it was all part of the Campaign to disavow the results of the Georgia elections, that is why this entire group of conspirators are being accused of being a criminal organization and will be tried under the Statute of Law known as RICO.

Moderator: Republican Guest, despite all the evidence you point to, why do you think the election results could not be challenged or reversed?

Republican Guest: I'll move on to your question right away, but first I want to clarify a few things about what the Guest is saying. In Pennsylvania, Republican observers had to appeal to the Court because they had been prohibited from entering the polling place. The Court ruled in its favor and when they got to the polling places, they were let in, but they had to stay 50 feet from where the voting process was taking place. So from that distance they couldn't observe the integrity of the process.

As for Arizona, it is not true that Trump supporters were given Sharpie-type marker pens, that was required for all Maricopa County voters, no other means of marking was allowed, and should be for a reason. , because Pinal County used Official Voting Pens, according to their own authorities.

Now, people who voted in Maricopa County point out that it is true, that they were not allowed to use their own pens, that they put the ballot in, and when it didn't go through, they had to punch in a green button, then the ballot went into a box. of supervision and there a supervisor was the one who determined the vote, it was not possible to verify who would benefit from his decision.

Now, regarding your question, it is true that despite the evidence, nothing could be done. The institutions that must ensure electoral integrity were previously colluded, since 2016 the first massive fraud was carried out.

The statistics do not lie, in 2016 the Electoral Roll was reduced compared to 2012 by (3,691,378) while the number of voters increased by 7,968,506 million, but this happened in several states with a Democratic tendency, which did not give the expected result, since Hilary Clinton won the popular vote by 2,868,685 million but did not win the Electoral Colleges.

So, for 2020 the strategy was changed. The key states were chosen to win the different necessary Electoral Colleges and all the machinery was focused there to guarantee fraud. One thing that allows it is that the poll workers are not appointed by the parties, but are city workers.

Therefore, according to Affirmative Action, the vast majority belong to the minorities most inclined to the Democratic Party and are easier to manipulate and in fact they did.

All these reasons, plus Trump's personality against the established power, made him a victim of his own purpose, even if it was for the good of the nation and he is still paying the consequences, and they could be worse.

Moderator: Enough has been said about the 2020 elections, now I want to ask you what are the expectations for the 2024 elections and what do you think of the possible candidates?

Democratic Guest: Thank you for the opportunity. Of course, the elections are still a long way off, and although it is said that Donald Trump can legally be president, even while in prison, that does not make sense. Any other Republican candidate could do better, let's hope that in the end it will be so.

Now, Joe Biden has done a great job in the presidency: he has lowered unemployment to historical records, he has created millions of new jobs, he has reduced inflation to a minimum, he has developed an inclusive and humanitarian immigration policy.

In foreign policy, the war in Afghanistan ended, it has resolutely supported Ukraine against the Russian invasion and in Latin America it has maintained a good rapprochement with the governments of Lula in Brazil, Colombia and a better relationship of understanding with Venezuela, with which it is negotiating the suspension of the sanctions that affect the Venezuelan people so much in exchange for complying with the electoral process and with respect to Cuba, it has been possible to accept the deportation of Cubans who are not admissible in the United States and trade with the Cuban private sector has increased .

So with a very strong economic policy with the Bideneconomic and a whole great campaign of good information from the media, counteracting the false news about his involvement in his son's business abroad and his addiction problems, there will be no problems for his re-election.

Republican Guest: The problem of clean and transparent elections is still not very clear, but here the problem is Donald Trump as a candidate, which is why politics in the style of Venezuela, Nicaragua and other countries have been prosecuted.

However, although the media tries to hide it, the siege is closing more and more against Hunter Biden and his father in an international corruption plot. So most likely, Joe Biden will not run as the Democratic candidate. We'll see how they start to blame everything to promote the new candidacy.

Joe Biden was necessary to face the candidacy of Donald Trump, due to his record of obtaining more than 74 million votes in 2020, but due to his limitations and evidence of corruption, he will have to be replaced and that is why all resources must be exhausted to remove Trump from the race.

Any other Republican candidate could run against a Democrat candidate, since it would not be necessary to raise the voting ceiling and digital manipulation would be easier.

At this point I want to make a call to all the Republicans in good faith, that it is necessary to avoid a repetition of the so-called irregularities of the past elections.

Moderator: The perspective of the different candidates and the elections in terms of their political projection have been discussed, but I would like to address the legal situation of both candidates, although in the case of Joe Baiden there is no concrete action against him.

Democratic Guest: Yes, the Republicans and the extreme right in the House of Representatives are pushing through certain committees to link Joe Biden to his son Hunter's foreign businesses.

However, Attorney General Merrick Garland has appointed a Special Prosecutor, David Weiss, to carry out the investigations and calm the Republican Trump base that is wanting to disqualify the prestige of North American institutions, they want to attack the integrity of President Biden to wash the image of the criminal behavior of Donald Trump.

Maybe Joe Biden during the campaign may face some health problems, but Trump and his criminal gang will go to jail. It must be remembered that Trump had taken documents from the White House with nuclear secrets and military agreements with other countries.

To this we must add his incitement to the attack on the Capitol on January 6, 2021, where deaths occurred due to his irresponsibility. It should be noted that Donald Trump already has four accusations in four different states with 91 charges.

In this way, he will not be able to escape justice and, as the Moderator rightly says, our president Joe Biden could not be accused of anything specific.

Republican Guest: Here are several things to clarify, the double standards of the US Department of Justice and the intelligence agencies, the political activism of the media in favor of the international left, the big interests in favor of globalism and the new world order and the danger that Donald Trump represents for all these purposes.

The Justice Department was the one who accepted and authorized the investigation of a Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller in the Russian plot, which cost more than 30 million dollars to US taxpayers, with a false file, which was later found to have been prepared by the Hilary Clinton campaign, and none of those involved have been charged.

In the case of the Mar-a-Lago papers, Donald Trump has been charged for allegedly failing to return them to the National Archives. However, Bill Clinton also refused to return some recordings and won the lawsuit, without being charged with obstruction of Justice.

The Guest discusses the content of the Mar-a-Lago documents. If they are National Security documents, who leaked their content? Likewise, the Guest can answer why Joe Biden and Mike Pence had secret documents, if they did not have the authority to handle those secret documents outside the White House.

It is not yet known what implication these documents had, nor has progress been made in a transparent investigation. It gives the impression that nothing is being investigated.

This is what happened with Hilary Clinton's computer and emails and nothing happened either, despite all the evidence that we have of how they destroyed servers and phones, and disobeyed a mandate from Congress to preserve all evidence.

The implications of the Department of Justice is a long list, but to clarify something that is always repeated. It is not that the Demands for electoral fraud had no support, but rather that the evidence was never investigated, so the veracity of the facts was never known.

Attorney General William Barr assures that there was no evidence of decisive fraud, but he never agreed to carry out the relevant investigations, as is the case of the poll worker who was caught in Georgia passing the same ballots up to three times after the alleged flood, rather than being decorated by Joe Biden.

Also in Maricopa County in Arizona an audit was carried out, but when it came to the point of auditing the voting machines a motion was accepted to prevent it, alleging that it violated the trade secret of domain machines.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) was the one who hid Hunter Biden's computer and created a whole disinformation campaign, alleging that it was all part of a Russian plot.

One of the accusations against Donald Trump throughout his tenure was that he did not respect and abide by the credibility of intelligence agencies.

However, 50 senior officials from 17 Intelligence Agencies signed a letter denying the existence of Hunter Biden's computer. The FBI also concealed a file investigating foreign government payments to Joe Biden, using the FD-1023 form that describes a criminal scheme involving Biden in connection with the exchange of money for political decisions.

Everything raised above was hidden during the 2020 electoral process. However, Donald Trump was impeached for a call to the president of Ukraine due to evidence of corruption of the Biden family in that country.

Today it is known that the corruption was true, when even Joe Biden himself in a video acknowledges and boasts about how he managed to fire the Prosecutor of the case that was investigating the Ukrainian Gas Company Burisma Holdings where his son Hunter worked between 2014 and 2019.

Now, part of the problem is the complicit work of the media, which hides or paints a very simplistic narrative about the facts related to the power caste, including the Democratic Party, while carrying out an entire campaign of negative publicity and demonization. about conservatives, mainly about Donald Trump.

Social networks have also played a very important role, censoring and taking advantage of the resources of technology to silence opinion and conservative voices. While they hide the facts with a criminal background of the power caste and at most, they publish the facts under a subtle narrative that borders on naivety.

North American opinion currently has no information from the complacent, almost official press about the implications of Joe Biden and his son Hunter in receiving tens of millions of ill-gotten dollars from Russia, Romania, Ukraine, China and Kazakhstan.

The press is also not reporting what the House of Representatives is drawing from the investigations that incriminate the Biden family on a daily basis.

The conspiracy against Trump is part of the globalist agenda of magnate George Soros and his allies, for which they have financed and placed prosecutors and judges in key positions to carry out their project. Many of them arrived under financing conditions due to the judicial persecution against Donald Trump.

Moderator: Although a series of facts and events have been discussed in general, I would like to hear the opinion of each of you on what happened in the Capitol on January 6, 2021.

Democratic Guest: The assault on Congress by Trump supporters responds to Donald Trump's desperation to prevent Joe Biden from being awarded the presidency. Trump's incendiary call was precisely to cause chaos and have the election certification process suspended.

The case was very well documented by a Committee of the House of Representatives and now in the indictment carried out by Special Prosecutor Jack Smith it has been possible to establish the criminal case against Donald Trump.

Although Donald Trump now wants to distance himself from the events, it was precisely him who called for that giant demonstration to destabilize democracy in our country. It was not just an attack on the Capitol, but an attack on the democracy of the United States.

Republican Guest: The question I ask the Guest and the American people in general: Who benefited from the assault on the United States Congress on January 6, 2021?.

In any criminal investigation, the first thing that is taken into account is the motive for the crime. And that motive is backed by the interests of those who benefit from that fact. So, from there arises the question, who benefited from the assault on Congress, where the 2020 presidential elections should be certified or not.

You have to put the facts in context to reach a better conclusion. Something that is being overlooked at the moment and the media are giving the narrative that the power caste is interested in or convenient for. It must be clarified that the power caste in the United States is made up of people from the different political parties, plus the leadership of all the important institutions, both intelligence and judicial, among others.

We have to remember that the purpose of Donald Trump's team, protected by the Constitution, was for Vice President Mike Pence, before counting the votes of the Electoral Colleges in dispute, to return the votes to those states for a new reconsideration, within a period that was provided by law, before January 20.

The process was carried out as normal, and when Senator Ted Cruz begins to read the motion for which those states should not be certified at that moment, by great chance that mob arrives at the debate room itself led by the police officers of the Capitol.

The session was postponed, after a long period, the Certification process was restored. The logical thing would have been to have continued where the process left off, with the intervention of Senator Ted Cruz, but the debate was abruptly terminated and the Certification by Vice President Mike Pence was automatically put to a vote, leaving the 2020 presidential elections Certified. .

Another interesting question: Why was all the evidence used by the House Committee investigating the impeachment case against Donald Trump removed?

There were videos of everything that happened in the Capitol. Even when a police officer shoots a female US Army veteran in the forehead. However, that policeman was decorated by Joe Biden.

There it is clearly seen that the Capitol police were prepared to allow access to the very hall of Congress. There it is clearly seen that the Capitol police were prepared to allow access to the very hall of Congress. The Capitol police have all the capacity to prevent, for the safety of the congressmen themselves and the vice president, the massive entry to their facilities.

The police could use firearms as a deterrent, but that same police was leading the protesters through the halls of the Capitol.

A crowd does not act without leadership to guide it, not even in herds of animals. There were infiltrated people there with training to lead the demonstration to the point they had planned. That could only be determined by a serious investigation, but the investigation is in the hands of the same people who planned the events.

Moderator: By way of conclusion, what is your final comment?

Democratic Guest: All this process must end with the imposition of justice, putting all those who follow our line of thought, which is correct and protects and benefits all citizens, in prison. Really for the good of our people and the world, we don't need the Republicans and we are going to fight so that they never come to power again.

In this context, I am sure that our entire legal system is going to do everything possible to dismantle this disinformation campaign against our president Joe Biden, linking him to the businesses of his son abroad.

The United States has to show the world that no one here is above the law and if Donald Trump and his criminal organization break it or any other citizen who follows his example, they will receive the full weight of the law.

What cannot happen is that our justice system allows itself to be intimidated by the pressure of supporters of Donald Trump and does not apply justice with the severity that the case requires. Declaring Donald Trump innocent would make the American justice system ridiculous and we would become the laughing stock of the world.

Republican Guest: From my way of seeing things and the development of all events, I think that it was not a good idea for the Democrats and the entire caste of power to prevent the presidency of Donald Trump in the period 20-24. As is popularly said, I think it backfired.

If Donald Trum had fulfilled his term properly, everything would have stopped there. The persecution against Donald Trump has brought up all the corruption of the power caste in the United States.

If Donald Trump had been in the presidency, he would not have persecuted anyone, as he did not with Hilary Clinton and the Hunter Biden computer and the Biden family corruption plot would never have been known.

By now many must be considering that electoral fraud was a mistake, but it is too late. Now Trump as a defendant and all other co-defendants have the statutory right to disclosure and have the right to present all evidence of voter fraud. So what was a closed case is once again an open case. Even a request for impeachment against Joe Biden opens the door to the search for all evidence of bribery by foreign powers.

Many heads will roll here. That is the fear that Donald Trump could reach the presidency again, because now he is going to clean up the swamp, although other things must happen for that.

And it is the other point that I want to highlight, the opportunity that the American people have to take advantage of the figure of Donald Trump and redefine the conservative political line of the United States. We have to get out of Democrats and Republicans, we have to create a new political class that is not compromised with historical corruption and the centers of power. We have to create a positive agenda in the face of the destructive agent that wants us to impose.

Moderator: Thank you for your participation, we would like to continue addressing many other issues, but time is relentless. I look forward to a future exchange of ideas, which our followers will be able to evaluate and agree with, that popular wisdom is never lacking.